Saturday, December 26, 2009

Louis and the Kick 'n' Play

It is hard to capture just how crazy Louis can get in this thing. This video is tame compared to the times he really gets his left leg going, and stares intently at the lights and toys. He means business!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lou's First Christmas

Opening gifts with his Mimi and in the swing with Aunt Jamie. And of course Daddys lap.

Opening gifts with his Mimi and in the swing with Aunt Jamie. And of course Daddys lap.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009


How does spit up travel like this?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

16 inches of snow, and Louis with Gerald the Giraffe

The Weather Service says DC got 16 inches. Here we are shoveling a path.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Shades

We just got the shades that my mom made for our bedroom. Sooo awesome!!! Before and After pics are below. And of course the person everyone wants to see took a super long nap so that I could hang them. Good job Lou! Thanks mom!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I got some sort of bug and whether it was food poisoning or not I was throwing up every 2 hours for most of Monday beginning at 3am. So very pleasant. Andy and Louis have been troopers to say the least. And Louis continues to sleep like a champ, somehow knowing the nights I REALLY need a lot of sleep. Last night was one of them and he went from 7pm-5am, and then back down until 8am. When we got up he was so smiley. I tried to capture it with the camera, but he would immediately stop smiling and stare at the camera.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We thought he felt heavier!

Louis went to the pediatrician today. He weighed in at 14lbs 5 oz. and he is almost 2 inches longer than last time. He made this face when I told him that next time he would be getting a shot.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Books and Legs

Lately Louis has been interested in reading books and pushing against things with his legs.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Right when we should have been thinning out our turnips and tending to the garden, we were busy having a baby. So we didn't do anything to help out the cabbage, carrots, chard, and turnips that we planted. If they were to survive they would have to do it on their own. The only water they got came from rain, and we pretty much turned a blind eye for a good 2 and half months. The turnips didn't fare too well, but our carrots are delicious. Very sweet. Except one that I picked seemed to have grown into a piece of trash that must have been already in the dirt. One of the joys of urban gardening.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

1st Thanksgiving

It's Louis's first Thanksgiving and Andy pointed out that every day must be like Thanksgiving when you eat all day and then fall asleep and go to the bathroom in your pants.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bedtime with Louis

I have read that a baby is sleeping through the night when they can go 5-6 hours at a time. Who the heck thinks this is sleeping through the night? Why settle? If they can do 6, why not 8? It's the same principle with the union folks who brought us the weekend. (We've all seen that bumper sticker, right?) Well I have to ask, why did they stop with the 5 day work week? I'm not complaining or anything. I don't have any desire to work in a mine all day every day. But why stop there? What about a 4 day work week? Anyways, I have gone off-topic. Louis has established his bedtime around 8 pm, give or take about a half an hour. And he is the sweetest little guy you could hope for because once you put him in the dark in his bouncy seat he just hangs out and looks at you for awhile, makes a few peeps, and then seems genuinely relieved to be going to sleep. It doesn't take him long and he doesn't put up a fuss (for some reason naps are another story). Then he will sleep until about 3 or 4 am, at which point he has either soiled his diaper enough to be really uncomfortable, or he will be sucking on his hands so loudly that you might think we hadn't fed him for days. So Andy will get him up and change him, and then I will feed him and when I put him back down, he is so content I like to imagine he is saying "thanks guys, you are such swell parents! i love you." Sometimes he even smiles. It's almost enough to keep me up with him that early in the morning. Almost.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009


Louis plays on the mat while I combine some of my favorite ingredients (chocolate, peanut butter, and oatmeal) into the most delicious way to NOT lose postpartum pudge.

No kidding.

Louis, you read my mind.