Saturday, October 23, 2010

Farm Trip

This morning started with a load of laundry which led to a utility sink overflowing with gross water. Andy tried to plunge it but that didn't work so we decided to go to a farm in Maryland and take a hay ride to a pumpkin patch with Louis. Nothing like the power of denial. When we got home the water was still there, although not quite as high.
Andy then tried to snake it and that didn't work either. This was around the time we started to think that calling a plumber might be a good idea. We picked up some apples, squash, and cabbage at the farm and I'm baking Pumpkin Oatmeal Raisin cookies. Louis took a fall today and landed on a pot he had pulled out of the cupboard. It cut his lip and there was enough blood to make me nauseous but he is just fine. We've decided to baby proof the pots &pans cupboard since this is his 2nd accident on a pot. We thought we could leave one cupboard open for him to play in, but I just can't take any more blood.
What a busy day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinner with Lou

He's trying to decide if he likes pumpkin quinoa, but warms up to it quickly.

Halloween Costume

Working on the bat costume this morning.