Thursday, April 15, 2010

I hate germs.

Louis is sick. Coughing and a runny nose. I'm gonna go out on a limb and blame the germy airplanes we were on. My allergies are ridiculous. I seriously feel like I can't see, my eyes are so itchy and swollen. I had a sneezing attack about an hour after being off the plane and in DC. Ahh, spring.
Anyways, here's a few more pictures from the beach in California with Grandpa Bill.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Louis and I made it home and he did great on the flight once again. We scored again with seating assignments and ended up with an empty seat in the middle and a mother/grandmother in the window seat who was absolutely great. We sat directly in front of Dennis Kucinich on the plane although it took me a moment to figure out who it was. I was so sleep deprived, I kept thinking, "I know this guy from somewhere..." There was a flight attendant on our return flight who was also on the flight out to L.A and when we boarded she saw us and said, " Louis is back." She remembered his name! Louis was very dazed by the time we arrived at the house last night, but slept through the night (thank god) and seemed very happy to be back in his crib. He was excited to see Andy this morning and also seemed very happy to get back into his exersaucer in the kitchen! I will be going through more photos from California and post a few more throughout the week. Thanks to everyone who made time to come and see us while we were out there!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Louis does California

More family and friends.

Yesterday Louis met more of his great aunties, and met my very old friend and her son,  who I used to babysit for. See that kid with the mowhawk? He is 13 now and way taller than me. Crazy. Back when I watched him he was Louis' age. We also made a short trek to the beach so now Lou has been to the Atlantic and the Pacific. Lewis & Clark would be proud.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Louis met his great aunties and cousins on Saturday. He started out shy and clingy, but once his great uncle John broke him in he was a real ham,  giving lots of kisses and smiles.