Monday, September 14, 2009

R.I.P Bread Machine

We had a good run, didn't we? Nearly 6 years of kneading, baking,and let's not forget Sunday night pizza dough. You survived 2 coasts, 4 different moves and some miserable recipies at my hands and yet you kept plugging along. Until last Friday. I don't know what did it. I salvaged the Cornmeal Molasses Dough that you were working on and it turned out great. Yet you decided you'd had enough and jumped off the counter. Surely there was a better way to go. A yard sale or Goodwill Donation box perhaps? But with a very loud crash, you ended it all. You will be missed. The question now is what to replace a bread machine with? My mixer is on the fritz, but still hanging on and I've heard you can use a good mixer to knead dough. So maybe it would make sense to limit kitchen appliances and get a new mixer that would also serve the dough kneading purpose. But then you can't leave it for 3 hours and have it magically be done, since it can't bake it for you too. Has anyone tried both and ended up with a preference? Bread Machine vs Mixer?