Friday, November 5, 2010


A lot of pointing goes on nowadays. Most of the time the finger is aimed at an object, but occasionally it makes its way up the nose.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

So close

But in these kinds of situations close doesn't cut it. Nice try Louis.


I started painting the back bedroom and then realized how miserable I was doing it and decided to enlist some professional help. When I left for work this morning it was brown. I came home to a fully painted room. God I love it when that happens.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Give Me the Phone

This is what Louis looks like when he really wants my phone and can't have it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treating

If you look very carefully at the 2nd and 3rd pictures above (the ones without the flash) you can see that Louis is holding something in his hand. It was a Tootsie Roll that he grabbed out of someones candy basket at about 6:15. He clutched it tightly in the car on the way to Capitol Hill where we went trick or treating after we hit up our neighbors, and he did not let go of it until we got home around 7:45. No other candy he was offered seemed enticing enough for him to let go of that dang Tootsie Roll. As a result, mommy is going to have to resort to buying her own candy instead of pillaging her child's stash. He acquired only 4 pieces.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Bat!


Louis is conducting the orchestra in this video. It is his current version of dancing.
He has also started waving "bye bye" and if you ask him where his nose is and he's feeling cooperative he will put his finger on his nose. Yesterday he started using the sign for "more" we've been using with him when he asked for "more books". It was pretty amazing.
Later today he will be dressed as a bat, so of course we will post pictures of him in his Halloween costume.