Friday, October 9, 2009

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Andy repairs drywall. We got the utility sink installed so we can spray poop and rinse paintbrushes and discard various things down the drain that isn't the bathtub or kitchen sink.

Botanic Gardens

Yesterday we took a trip to the Botanic Gardens. Louis slept most of the time, but it was such a nice fall day we wanted to get out of the house while taking it easy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Andy is my babydaddy hero

Not only has Andy been home with me since I went into labor, he doesn't go back to work until next week. He has done a billion loads of laundry, bathed Louis, changed his diaper WAY more than me, prepared all our meals, ran errands, and retrieved all the stuff I needed from downstairs while I was stuck in bed recovering. I could not ask for a more awesome partner. Here's a photo of a dinner he made us with Swiss Chard from our garden, the most delicious farmers market sweet potatoes, and some meatless meatballs from Trader Joe's. (Even meat eaters like them!)

We went to the pediatrician today. Louis is up to 8lbs 13oz. Apparently I have enough milk to feed an infant army and he has been overfed which explains the abundance of spit up and congested sounds. The doctor said it was completely possible for Louis to get the 2-3 ounces of milk he needs from me in under 10 minutes. Thank god because I was told a full feeding should be about a half an hour, and Louis just can't stay awake that long, so I have been battling to keep him awake when he's probably thinking, "Jeez mom, my stomach is gonna burst, why does every day have to be like Thanksgiving?! Let me sleep!" Fine by me. He pees every time we change him (no, really, EVERY time). He is a poop machine. We love him anyways and still intend to keep him for the time being, even though he keeps me too tired to play with my new bread machine or cook a big pot of beans.