Saturday, May 1, 2010

I love Craigslist.

Louis seems to have grown so much in the past month. Everytime we put him in his car seat he screams. He barely fits in it,  and despite his rubber band arms and cankles, he actually maxed out the height limit before the weight limit. We had to do something, so I did a bunch of research and we got a great car seat from a woman whose little girl outgrew it.  ( yes,  its pink!) Don't worry its not recalled or expired, and we plan on getting a brand new version of the same seat for our car and eventually using this one as the extra for the mimi and gramma cars. I also got a sun tent for $10, that has uv protection and can provide shade for Lou when we hit the beach this summer.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Remote Control

He has entertained himself with this for a very long time. It's not even hooked up with anything.

What kind of mother...

Lets a baby get to the point of having this kind of crust in their ear? Sorry Louis.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Louis won't sit in his seat anymore. He wants to splash and swim and play.


Louis met his great uncle Bob last night. We went out for pizza,  but Louis had sweet potatoes. He was charming the people sitting at the tables around us. everywhere we go people want to interact with him.  Can't blame em.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


See! He has hair. It's just really blonde so you have to catch it in a certain light.