Friday, February 26, 2010

Staring Outside

Because it feels like we are NEVER going to get out there again. The wind is outrageous today.

The Hat

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rolling Over

Oh my god, the thighs!! Just in case we get snowed in again and have to go all cannibal on each other, we know we can sustain ourselves for days on Louis' thighs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


As if we didn't take enough pictures of Louis to begin with, we (well I, Andy thinks this is ridiculous) have started taking even MORE. Why? Because in a magazine that Mimi gave us, they announced a contest for a cover baby. And you know, I figured what the heck, I will enter Louis. Now I figure they get a TON of submissions, so our chances are slim to none. I mean, what kind of turd of a parent doesn't think their baby is the cutest one on the planet? The winner gets a free trip to New York, expenses paid, and a photo shoot and the baby may end up on the cover of the magazine. So you don't get paid, but whatever. I haven't been to New York in 2 years and it's only 4 hours away, it's about time. (Yes this is for selfish purposes, I make no bones about it). Then Louis' modeling career can truly take off and we can all quit our jobs and live off him.

So here's a few shots I got today of Louis hamming it up for the camera. He will always be a cover baby to me.