Friday, April 23, 2010


The sippy cup is covered in sweet potato. Breakfast has become one of the most interesting times of the day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Now we're all sick.

Andy, Louis and I are all hacking away with a cough. It sounds horrid, but Louis seems to be in good spirits. Even the nurse commented on how sweet he was even while sick. The other night we fed Lou carrots and he LOVED them. Could not get enough. So that will be appearing again in his future. We planted some seeds in our garden (zuchinni, jalapeno, lettuce, and red pepper) and are expecting a few plants to arrive today (tomato, and I forget what else). Only 1 of the 3 blueberry plants survived the winter, but I am hoping if I get a few more we will someday be able to pick berries from our yard if I can thwart the squirrels and birds. Had our first grill-out of the season and it was great! No mosquitos yet and Louis tried to eat the rocks in our backyard.

Monday, April 19, 2010

It was bound to happen

Our first dish casualty due to Louis starting baby food.
And another piano shot because he will jump out of your arms to get to it if he sees it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Should it be the drum or the piano?