Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crown Moulding

Today we put up crown molding in the dining room, and put up the crown in the bathroom that Andy and my dad cut last week whiled holed up in the house in the blizzard.
We rented a nail gun from home depot and Jamie came over and watched Louis while we worked. Louis did not like the nail gun at all, but the molding looks great and I can't wait until we get everything painted! Thank you so much Jamie!!
On a funny note, tonight as I lifted Louis up over my head to pretend like he was flying, he spit up all over my forehead and started laughing hysterically. I'm glad he thinks thats funny. No pictures of that, sorry. I'm sure you can use your imagination to create a nice mental image.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Louis loves to be held up, standing style. Makes him feel like a big kid.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taste Test

Right now Louis eats books as opposed to reading them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

&*#@ the Snow

My throat hurts from screaming.
It's true. Today really just sucked.
In a nutshell:

1. It started snowing again! I moved out of California over 10 years ago. I have not ever seriously considered going back. Except for TODAY! Ugh. C'mon SPRING! I am in the Mid- Atlantic, not the Northeast, so give it up.

2. Bad Idea #1: Going to the store today. I was over halfway there before I noticed the windshield wiper screw was coming out. Bad Idea #2: I tried to push it back in when I got there. It fell out. Wiper would not stay on. Would have been irrelevant on a sunny day. Unfortunately that was not the case today. Louis starts screaming. Groceries loaded in car. I asked the parking attendant if he could help. He got it back on but warned it wasn't totally fixed, would do the job for now to get home. Louis still screaming. For some reason every time I try and call Andy my phone goes dead. As I back out of parking spot I hit the concrete post that is next to me. It was LOUD. People turn around to look. Whoops. Louis is still screaming and as soon as I get out of the parking garage I decide to join in.

3. Ok. we are ok. On the way to Andys work the loose screw FLEW OFF on the GW Parkway and there went the drivers side wiper. Great. (Still snowing). I hunch down and do my best to look for places to pull off. All turn-offs are closed due guessed it, @#$%@ SNOW!

4. Due to minimal visibility, miss turn to go to Andys' work and end up in North Arlington. Stop at Exxon station. Buy new wiper blade for $15. Pick up Andy, feed Lou, put air in tire. Miraculously I can find no evidence of hitting the concrete post!

5. Get STUCK trying to get onto Rock Creek Parkway due too...yup. Ice. Snow. Abandoned hubcap in road. Someone tried to make a "bridge" over the snow with cardboard. Andy and I take turns pushing vs. driving in low gear. This is ROCK CREEK PARKWAY!! C'mon DC, plow this road!!!

6. After all this, Louis can still make me smile. Hopefully this isn't too dark. Here is Louis' take on today.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

I wanted to post this picture that I took of Erin before she went to get her hair colored yesterday. I won't give away her new look, but it's "none more black", as the Spinal Tap reference goes. I will miss the black, but her new color looks great too, even though she says, "It's transitional". No matter what color stage her hair is in, I love her all the same. Happy Valentine's Day!

Btw, Big thanks to Mimi for coming over and watching Louis last night while Erin and I went to see a play. For those that were wondering as I was, Louis did recognize her this morning when he woke up!