Wednesday, March 28, 2012


In bloom. 
Louis is great. Wants to plant "Mac N Cheese" seeds in the garden. Too bad the squirrels will likely eat those just like they're eating my chard.
Also big on playing "garbage trucks" and watching diggers.
Jean is schooching like a pro. Getting herself backed under a lot of furniture. The other day i thought I lost her, turned out she was under the crib, hah! Whoops. She's been waking up at 1am and going back to sleep around 2:30am. MUST. STOP. NOW. Predicting a future party animal.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Big Boy Room

Today Louis' room became an official big boy room. We removed the crib.
He's been sleeping in the bed without issue for awhile and we decided to go ahead and take out the crib. No back up anymore, he's all in with the bed. Now there's a lot more room to play.