Friday, March 12, 2010


We got Louis an exersaucer (the more I learn about baby stuff, the more I am amazed). It's very colorful and makes animal sounds. A great addition to the fine decor we have accumulated as a result of Louis. Andy and I laughed when we brought it into the house. It doesn't fold. Where are we going to keep it? Haha. Joke's on us! In the living room! Louis seems to like it and he has been feeling better so thats good enough for me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


When I talked to the nurse on the phone yesterday and described Lou's symptoms (hoarse, clingy, fussy, changed sleep patterns, this is NOT my child!!) she said to bring him in to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. I wasn't sure how being hoarse could tie into an ear infection, but he didn't have a runny nose and we had just been on a plane and in a swimming pool, so I suppose it made sense. Well after visiting the pediatrician yesterday it was clarified. Louis has laryngitis. Listening to a hoarse baby sounds so sad! He seemed to be doing better this morning before Andy dropped him off at Mimi's house. Hopefully that continues and he feels better soon. Damn the recycled airplane air!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6 months!

Dear Louis,
What a milestone you hit today! 24 weeks ago you were born. You have changed so much we can hardly believe it and can't imagine what you will be like in another 6 months. You are rolling from your back to your tummy now. Sometimes when your daddy goes in to get you out of your crib in the morning you have rotated 180 degrees. How do you do that?! You like to talk and blow raspberries. You are so aware of everything around you and you MUST touch it and put it in your mouth. You really like to get kisses and you give them pretty well too. As a matter of fact your mommy has a hickey on her chin right now from your kisses last night. You have decided you don't like your bouncy seat anymore. That thing is for babies! You want to be up. As soon as we get you a high chair we will set you in that at mealtime so you can participate more. And boy do you want our food. You tried to grab mommy's coffee right out of her hand the other day. Rice Cereal is in your near future as soon as you start feeling better. We think you might have an ear infection and are going to the doctor today.
You have been seeing your Mimi once a week and we are lucky to have her so close. She loves you so much. Her dog Haley is a little jealous, but as you get older we think you and her will be good friends. You have been to Florida with us and your Aunt Jamie to visit your Grandpa Charlie and Toni. You went into a swimming pool for the first time, and you saw and felt the sand and the ocean. We can tell you are very frustrated that you cannot crawl or get up and move around. We know that once you are able to do all of that we are in for it and will do our best to keep up with you as you explore everything. You are such a laid back baby and when we take you out everyone wants to know all about you. They smile at you and you usually smile back. Your stare is amazing. When you are checking things out you are very stoic and serious looking. We love you!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hollywood, FL

Home from Florida

Well, we made it back and Louis was a little gentleman on the return flight as well. We had a great time visiting Grandpa Charlie and Toni, and Louis enjoyed his first trip to the beach and into the swimming pool. We doused him with sunscreen and we went swimming in a pool that was about 86 degrees, which was about 15 degrees warmer than the air. It was the first time in my life I found myself scrambling to get INTO a swimming pool as opposed to wading in slowly to get used to the water. We also went to Miami and walked around South Beach amongst the spring-breakers and rollerbladers. Louis put his tippy toes into the sand and the ocean, but it was a bit too cold to go all the way in. And of course there was quality time with Grandpa Charlie and Toni. Aunt Jamie came too and her and Louis became good buddies. We took a bunch of great pictures which we will be posting over the next few days, there's so many.