Saturday, May 26, 2012


Andy got a new job and a new phone. Trying to get blogging set up on it.

Here's a picture of jeans eye right before the surgery


This is what we do every morning. See Louis pee-pee off the porch. Potty training is in full effect.
Except he knows he's allowed to pee outside too. The luxury of being a guy.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Clean Eye

When's the last time jeans eye was this normal? When she was 3 weeks old.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jeans eye

Procedure finished. She's doing great.

Update at 11:58 am.- I think Jean is officially having her first drug experience. Thank you, laughing gas. She is in a GREAT mood. Will not nap. Just kinda wants to play but is a little clumsy. I'm more exhausted than she is. I certainly would like to nap.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Insert nature documentary voice here:

Situation deteriorates:
Soon after the photo was taken, Jean wised up and began to more aggressively assert her desire for space and the toy. She pounded her hands on the bench and hollered while attempting to grab the item.
Sensing the cubs challenge of his position within the group, the dominant male grabbed her arm and bit, as hard as he could, until pulled off by the mother lion and cast away to his den.