Sunday, September 21, 2008

I've never blogged before...

...but i figure this is a good place to start. erin and i will attempt to keep a detailed online journal, or blog, of our triumphs and trials with her recently purchased petworth bungalow. please feel free to chime in with any advice, comments, questions, queries to make this blog an interactive place and not just a sterile soapbox for us to parade around on. 


seattle-ky said...

hey you guys!! i am so excited for you!! i can not wait to come out to your house warming!! i will definately be reading and posting to your blog..
erin, i will let you know my work breaks.. i have enough of them so it should not be hard to come out!! i miss you very much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin & Andy,
What a great idea! Think this is going to be a wonderful experience for all of us. I'm looking forward to being able to watch the process of making the house your home. Best wishes.
Love, Mom-Carol

Anonymous said...

Congatulations! Now the fun begins. Hope everything went well with the move and the first night in you new home was agood one.See you in about a month. Dad