Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kitchen Update

We finally hung the 2 shelves. Still haven't finished painting the cabinets. You can see where we want to extend the countertop and add another base cabinet (to the left of the dishwasher). This will give us much more prep space for baking and cooking. I wish we had something temporary to go there now but instead we will stare at the floor and the spray foam.

BEFORE (previous owners decor taken with the advantage of a wide angle lens and the July sunlight we are severely lacking today):



Anonymous said...

24-30"roll away cart w'partial marble insert on top;(dough,baking,etc;)storage under. Lowes etc.??? Love papa WE LOVE TO BUY IT.YOU FIND.BYE BYE

Lyla and Mike said...

It looks incredible! Way to go you guys!!