Monday, May 10, 2010


Louis rode a carousel for the first time yesterday. Here he is waiting in line:

And here's what I saw as I watched him ride. He wasn't screaming and I couldn't see his face, so we just went with it. Besides, I was starting to feel a little sick so I had to get myself together.

Then I passed the camera off to Andy and he tried to get a video of what Louis' face looked like, since none of us could see it. When we got home and I watched this it kinda made me sad. He looks very apprehensive about the whole thing. Maybe he was feeling sick too. The video might make you all feel a little funny as well. I think we will wait a bit longer before riding the carousel again. I wonder what kind of terrible nightmares this could induce in a baby. Louis woke up 3 times last night. Very abnormal. Maybe he was cold, or teething, or having another growth spurt, but I am starting to suspect carnival nightmares.

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