Sunday, July 25, 2010

Height of Summer

It is hot. Real hot. I can barely motivate myself to take Louis to the pool it's that hot. Leaving the house is miserable. Even going upstairs is miserable until you get into the bedroom with the A/C unit cranking. My mom and I were trying to figure out why on earth people would settle here before air conditioning. Maybe the native tribes in the area had grown used to this. But the Europeans coming from places with fog and rain and weather barely over 85 degrees should have written home to the folks still contemplating a trip and kindly suggested everyone ABORT MISSION. Not really understanding the logic we concluded that it must have been pretty desperate times in England (and again in Ireland) and everywhere else that followed to emigrate to an area that felt like a hot steamy shower for a few months.
Louis is doing great. He is getting around real good and can walk holding just one adult hand, although he prefers both hands so he can go faster. He loves the swimming lessons him and Andy are doing together and he kicks his legs in the water like a frog. We are constantly complimented by strangers and friends alike about two things: how big and round his head is, and what a happy, smiley baby he seems to be. Not bad. If you're gonna be bald, better have a great head, and everyone loves a good smile.

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