Saturday, August 7, 2010


Yesterday Louis and I were at the pool. Within 5 minutes we were surrounded by girls. The age range spanned from 3 to 12 years old and when I say surrounded I am not kidding. I started feeling claustrophobic.
"Oh he's SOOO cute."
"Hi baby!"

Just hovering around him like moths to a flame. It was really crazy.
Andy has also experienced this when he has taken Lou to the pool. They want to hold, kiss, touch him and coo over him.
"He's beeeaauutiful!"
 "Baby wear your hat! Baby don't put your finger in your mouth, it's for talking!"

I started to feel awkward when 2 little girls who looked about 7 or 8 started asking me what I was cooking Louis for dinner and if he had ever been to Virginia Beach. Huh?

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