Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Crime Scene Backyard

Today the electrician finishes everything up, and we move onto drywall repair! The new dining room chandelier should be hung by the time I get home from work and I can't wait to see it. (Pictures soon).
Our garden is coming up nicely, especially the weeds, but everything we planted (lettuce, okra, zucchini, cucumber, tomato) is enjoying the spring rain we've been having for almost a week straight. There was a mysterious scene a few days ago that involved a very large log from our firewood pile, being moved quite far and sitting next to some remnants of an unfortunate bird. This log could not have been moved by anything but a human or a large beast (possum perhaps?) Anyways, Andy was kind enough to dispose of the bird feathers and limb, in addition to putting up a nice new coat of paint in the bathroom after much sanding and spackling.
This weekend we work with my dad on crown molding for the upstairs bedrooms, hallway, and bathroom. It finally feels like things are moving along again with the spring weather and the other little incentive to get as much done before October as possible!