Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Secret Life of Andy and Lou

Apparently Andy has been taking photos of Louis with the real camera and not uploading them onto the computer. I discovered these today after I grabbed the camera to take a picture of Lou playing with the measuring tape (to come later). I'm never around to watch Louis take his bottle, so when I saw these I was impressed. Holding his own!

His mission today was to get himself into a standing position without pulling up on anything. Starting in a sitting position he would put his hands in front of him, push his legs into the ground resulting in getting his bootie in the air, and then be stuck in an upside down "V" position and not know where to go from there. He was getting pretty irritated by it but was distracted by the paper bag I gave him to play with. That seemed to be much more entertaining than the most recent toy I actually paid money for.

More bruises

Louis is getting better at falling on his behind, but still has the occasional tumble. This morning we went and got a new carrier since the moby wrap is too hot for summer, and stopped by the water fountain spray park down the street from our house, which is going to become a staple of an outing this summer, I'm sure. Forgot to bring the camera so here's a pic from the bath that followed, trying to get all the sunscreen off.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great Falls, VA

Picnic, walk to see falls, get caught in downpour. A great time. Lou's favorite part was the rain. He laughed and squeaked the whole time.


His head is so big it pulls him towards the floor, unfortunately his hands aren't quick enough to break the fall.


The moby wrap continues to save us.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Barbeque and Big Dogs

Here is Louis with my friend Todd and his dogs, who loved licking Louis. Todd grew up in Omaha and went to the same school that Papa Lou went to about 50 years earlier, Creighton Prep.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Getting a photo of this guy that isn't blurry due to a frenzy of activity is getting harder and harder to come by.

Garlic Scapes

Found these at the farmers market. Read through a few recipes and decided to make pesto out of them. Blanched and ice bathed them to tone down the garlic aftertaste and then added parmesan, walnuts, olive oil and a handful of basil. Yum.