Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Whisk

When Louis hears the dishwasher open he will drop whatever he is doing and crawl over to see what he can scrounge out of the utensil holder. Usually it's a spoon. This morning he scored a whisk. This was after he ate a huge breakfast that consisted of a medium sized peach, a handful of cereal puffs, a few slices of banana with about 1/4 C of yogurt, and a slice of bread. A Bloody Mary was the only thing missing. Believe me, this was not because he slept through the night without nursing either. As he pushed himself up against the bedroom door this morning I thought he looked taller, and I thought about the article I read last week citing a study that concluded parents miss an average total of 6 months of sleep while their children are newborn to age 2.
6 MONTHS!!! What happens if you have twins? Or you have another one when the first kid turns 2?!
At that point is it like law or medical school loans, and you figure you are so in the hole for the money (sleep), you just won't ever pay it off? Can I convince myself to let go of the dream of continuous sleep? (and I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't have a baby with colic!) Andy is asleep upstairs. He can sleep through ANYTHING and falls asleep in 2 seconds after lying down. I am so jealous I would do bad, bad things to acquire those skills including steal them from him if it were possible.

Lou's gums are bothering him again, but he's got 4 teeth on top and two on the bottom and some on the way in somewhere I can't see. This whole infant Tylenol recall a few months ago really threw a wrench into being able to dose your baby before he goes to bed so he will sleep longer. It's so dang hard to find any infant Tylenol or ibuprofen (even in the generic brand) that I feel like I can't "waste" it on teething in case I need it in a more severe sick or fever emergency. I have about 1 dose left in the bottle!! I have looked in 3 different stores and can't get a new one to save my life. Sorry Louis, you're going to have to tough it out with the teeth for now.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I deleted the posts of the last two videos. I don't know why they came out so dark, they didn't look like that on the camera. Sorry about that.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Crazy Storm!

More tree damage on our street and in our backyard.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Height of Summer

It is hot. Real hot. I can barely motivate myself to take Louis to the pool it's that hot. Leaving the house is miserable. Even going upstairs is miserable until you get into the bedroom with the A/C unit cranking. My mom and I were trying to figure out why on earth people would settle here before air conditioning. Maybe the native tribes in the area had grown used to this. But the Europeans coming from places with fog and rain and weather barely over 85 degrees should have written home to the folks still contemplating a trip and kindly suggested everyone ABORT MISSION. Not really understanding the logic we concluded that it must have been pretty desperate times in England (and again in Ireland) and everywhere else that followed to emigrate to an area that felt like a hot steamy shower for a few months.
Louis is doing great. He is getting around real good and can walk holding just one adult hand, although he prefers both hands so he can go faster. He loves the swimming lessons him and Andy are doing together and he kicks his legs in the water like a frog. We are constantly complimented by strangers and friends alike about two things: how big and round his head is, and what a happy, smiley baby he seems to be. Not bad. If you're gonna be bald, better have a great head, and everyone loves a good smile.