Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ah, Who Cares...

One of the perks of our upcoming kitchen demo scheduled for this Wednesday & Thursday is that I absolutely don't care AT ALL that Louis is flinging coffee grounds all over the kitchen. It's a great feeling, really. Shit, I might not even sweep it up! It's liberating.
But oh how life will change once its completed...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blueberries & a BlackBerry in the morning

Somehow Lou managed to activate the alarm on his phone, so imagine my surprise when a strange alarm started going off this morning at 6am. I will now be doing nightly checks to make sure it is set to "off".

Thursday, March 31, 2011

18 months!

Louis just went to his 18 month check up today. He weighs in at a robust 28 lbs., measures 33 " tall and boasts a brainy head circumference at 19". He is in his 75 % percentile at his age for weight and height.

Despite a recent fall on our bottom two steps, that has left a sizable cut underneath his chin, our pediatrician confirmed that he looks great! We all knew that though.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Into the Microphone

Thank you Aunt Jamie!

Louis always wants to play with our phones. Sometimes he downloads weird things onto them and calls people we didn't really feel like talking to.
Aunt Jamie just got a new phone and donated her old BlackBerry to Louis. That's right. Louis has a nicer cell phone than mommy and daddy. It's disconnected but it still lights up the way cell phones do. Fantastic!! Thank you Jamie!
She also took a great video of Louis singing into his microphone that I will try and upload in a few minutes.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Morning

The Washington Post & Richard Scarry.