Saturday, August 14, 2010


We have a mouse. It's  a tiny one, but its alive, so I am deeply disturbed. The little thing needs to be trapped. Most recently we've caught him scrounging scraps out of Lou's chair (of which there are many). Ugh, DISGUSTING.

Friday, August 13, 2010

 This must have been taken during the worst possible song on the Sesame Street record.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Louis in Ocean City, NJ

Unlike Erin, I am a lake person. I am fine with the beach, but I really prefer my time in the water without salt and sand. So far in Louis' life, his aquatic experiences have been solely with beaches. Lucky for him, he loves them. He got right in the water (no pictures of that) and as you can see, he didn't mind the sand at all! We will have to take him to a lake in the future to even out the scales. He doesn't know what he's missing.

Thanks Grandpa Charlie and Toni for putting us up and putting up with us. Btw, this was his first time away from Mom for a night and he did very well.

Sunday, August 8, 2010