Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spinning and Chanting

Louis has been spinning himself in circles while he sits on the floor and says, "Ahh.."

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Louis has been eating beets again. Right now it's Mommy, Mimi, and Grandma Carol holding down the fort while Andy is out of town. Lots of lady time for Louis. It's been hot and steamy so we've been visiting the community pool and the kiddie spray park. He absolutely LOVES the water. He doesn't care if it gets in his face, he is not scared at all and I think he'd jump off a high dive to get himself into the water. No fear. Andy is going to take Louis to a series of swim lessons in July.
There's lots of screamy chatter in the house (not me, Louis) and the stairs are still a favorite activity. He gives lots of hugs and kisses, although the kisses are bites when he gets excited. This is a problem since he's got 4 teeth now. He was crawling on me tonight and got excited and bit my tummy. Ouch!!
We've got a 9 month pediatrician check up next Monday so we'll get to see how much he weighs and how long he is now, should be interesting.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

And a Happy Father's Day to Grandpa Charlie and Grandpa Bill!