Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Posting Absence

We have been super busy lately and I have not been doing a very good job keeping up with posting!

Louis just went in for his 4 year check up. He is 44lbs, and in the 95th % for weight. He's in the 75th% for height. I cant remember what the number is. He can draw shapes, and can write most of the letters in his name, though he has me do the "s".

I have become a temporary preschool teacher 2 days a week at the coop, since our teacher got pregnant and quit! yikes. not my calling, and the kids who cry for their moms all day really grate on my nerves, but at the very least I provide a consistent and non-panicky presence in the classroom. Hopefully we will get a new teacher soon and I can stop having to turn on "toddler pep" for 3 hours a morning.

Jean is more or less potty trained!!!! She still wears diapers at night, but she refuses to wear a diaper for naptime. If you put one on her, she will strip down and take it off and throw it out of the crib. Not too many accidents, but a bit different from potty training Louis. Particularly when we're out and about at the park. He can whizz on a tree no problem, but she's a little more involved for obvious reasons.

Louis is going to be a Fire Chief for Halloween. Jean will be a dinosaur.

Here's some more photos from our time in California.
