Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's Been Going On?

Louis is still not 100% over being sick, but he is doing much better and as a result so are we. Yesterday he met some very important people, the garbagemen! He watches them every week and is very impressed with their trucks. Since it was such a nice day, Louis & Grandma went outside to watch them, and the garbagemen stopped and chatted with Lou for awhile and gave him a lollipop. He must not be their only young fan if they carry lollipops around. We also got Louis a book about the Garbage Truck and I see this as a great opportunity to expose him to potential future careers. Grandma thinks its gross & has higher aspirations for him, but I am thinking more practically due to the rising cost of college, the lack of steady decent-wage jobs, and let's cut right to the chase; as a garbageman he'd be a city employee and quite possibly one of the only people his age to know what a union or pension is and reap the benefits. You can't really scoff at that when you look at your 401K now, can you?
I've gone off topic, sorry. 
Louis will start his swim lesson class again this Saturday and it will last through April. It will be his 2nd swim lesson class and I enrolled him in the 20+ month old class even though he is 17 months, since the only other option was putting him in a class with younger babies. I'm pretty sure he is ready and if he takes after his father with swimming he'll be a lifeguard in no time.
We are all looking forward to the predicted 70-degree day tomorrow and will do our best to get outside to enjoy it before it becomes February again and we slog through another month of cold.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh Yeah!

It's 66 degrees, holy crap! Andy you did it, it's the best Valentines Day EVER!!!!!