Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 Months!

Louis is 10 months old today! 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Farmers Market and Garden Loot

Swiss chard, beets, fennel, the most delicious baby plums and zucchini blueberry bread made with squash from our weed garden.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cracking Up!

I could hear Louis laughing upstairs with Andy and I figured there was some tickling that was happening. When I went up to see what was going on Andy showed me what he was doing. Spinning around. Apparently this is the most hilarious thing Louis has ever seen because I have NEVER heard him laugh like this. You'll want to have the sound turned on for this. The video starts out with the floor because I was trying to sneak up on Lou so he wouldn't stop laughing and just stare at the camera,

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's funny how one little thing can make something edible. Louis would not touch the lentils until we spread them on a piece of bread and added some cheese. Then he was all about it. His lap gets feed almost as much as his mouth. You should see his high chair, it is disgusting and I JUST cleaned it. I don't think I will bother again. We'll just shop-vac the thing every now and then. Ick.


There are treasures to be had. Found this in the alley, it was being thrown out. A perfect kids chair.

Cippolini Onions

Currently working on this:
Balsamic Cippolini

I'm not even going to take pictures because there is no way mine will look near as good as the pictures on the website with the recipe. Mmmm.