Saturday, January 30, 2010

Breakfast with Louis

Louis is always very considerate while we eat breakfast. He knows it's the most important meal of the day and pretty much always lets us eat (and drink some coffee) in peace. It's only fair since he gets two breakfasts. One at 4 and one at 7.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Working From Home

This whole working from home thing is a lot more difficult that I imagined. Probably because the times I have "worked from home" before were days where I was basically off, but expected to respond to emails and phone calls. So imagine my surprise when, GASP!, people actually expect me to do WORK when I am "working from home" and not just be in communication. This means calculating percentages while listening to "The Farmer In The Dell" and "Three Blind Mice" tunes that the bouncy chair pumps out. I can only be thankful they are instrumental versions and do not include any singing. I am so lucky to be home with Louis that I really shouldn't be complaining. I even got my new phone that receives work email on it (totally against my religion and I swore I'd never do it) but this way I can leave the house and still be responsive. If only they didn't expect me to have actual answers which happen to require numerical analysis. Oh well.

In other news, Louis is 16lbs now. His weight gain has slowed (which for him means it's now normal) and I am excited I am no longer headed down the path to having a 70lb 2 year old and ending up on Oprah to talk about what I am doing wrong to my child and all the eating disorders I am setting him up for down the road. There's so many ways to screw a child up why do it on accident with breastmilk? Why not make him camp in the backyard for a week when he's 3 just to make sure he is independent and can forage his own food and build fires for survival in the urban wilderness (i.e alleys)? Or NEVER potty train him as a strategy to ensure his adherance to curfews as a teenager. He will know it's true love when she/he changes his adult diaper. Just kidding!! Maybe we could homeschool him while we are at it...great in theory, but those kids just ain't right. There's something about public (Catholic too!) school that kills a piece of your soul which then enables you to be less socially awkward. Kids are just so mean.

And, jesus mom! Are you taking ANOTHER picture of me?!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Louis gets a DTAP

Today was Louis' first immunization. He did extremely well and is frankly much tougher than his mother or me. He was his normal self this afternoon after we returned home from the pediatrician, although I did notice an unfamiliar scrawl on the chalkboard wall in our kitchen. Who would have thought?

Monday, January 25, 2010


We started priming the cabinets in the kitchen to get ready to paint them white. I read the "This Old House" article and all the Bob Vila advice and I know that I am supposed to take the doors off along with all the hardware and sand and sand and be all meticulous about the affair, but frankly I just want the cabinets white. I don't particularly care if the paint doesn't hold up for 10 years and it chips. So for those of you more patient than myself, I salute you. But this is how we're getting them white for now, in short spurts while Louis naps.
We will hang the shelves this week after we get the right size anchors.