Thursday, January 27, 2011

Louis Update

Louis really seems to be storing up words and working on his vocabulary. He isn't actually saying them out loud, but he can't get enough of the books we read to him. We've been working on colors and asking him to point to an item to see which ones he can recognize. He can point to a lot of things when asked; banana, book, train, dog, & piano. He can also point to his body parts when asked; nose, ears, eyes, head, tongue (this one he just sticks out), belly/tummy, toes, feet, penis, fingers, teeth, etc.

He still likes to watch the garbage truck go through the alley every Tuesday, and I actually found a book about garbage trucks to read with him. He loves to gather keys and get underneath the sawhorse/ makeshift counter in our kitchen, because that's his "car". He sits in there and puts the keys into the holes he can find and cruises around. He will be starting more swim lessons in February (indoor of course), and I think we all are looking forward to spring when we can get out of the house and to the park a lot more.

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