Saturday, April 3, 2010

On the porch.

I can't get the videos to work.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cherry Blossom Festival

It was a beautiful day and we went down to see the cherry blossoms. Louis had a great time. We got some videos too which I will put up later.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

State of the Union

Most of the time it's hard to write much between taking photos and getting them uploaded via camera or phone or whatever works in that particular moment. Andy just finished his 2nd week at his new job at Glen Echo. I am so proud of him for getting this job. It's been a little crazy for all of us with the new schedule, but I know we will get the hang of it soon. If it weren't for Mimi I don't know what we'd do.

Louis' lower left tooth has cut through the gums and he is waking himself up at night when he rolls over onto his stomach. An unfortunate side effect of this (in addition to us then getting woken up) is that he rubs his face in his drool and/or spit up and then wakes up with some crazy eye boogers and I am afraid he will give himself some sort of conjuctivitis. So far so good, and we just keep wiping his eye in the morning with a warm damp cloth which he doesn't seem to mind. Louis has also discovered the ceiling fans. He stares and laughs at them. Pretty cute.

He is rolling over regularly in both directions and is trying his best to skooch himself around when on his tummy. He really likes to be a "stander" and be on his feet and pretend to walk. We are teaching him baby signs and he recognizes the "up" sign, which we do when we pick him up or get him out of things. I am hoping to find a different sign than the one I read in the book for "milk" since I don't want to make a motion with my hand like I am milking an udder when it's time for him to eat, hah. He is sitting at the table with us in his highchair during mealtimes and has been experimenting with a small amount of oatmeal cereal and thus far sweet potatoes and an avocado. He talks to us all the time and gives very sweet, albeit rough and wet kisses while pulling on any hair he can grab. My days of wearing earrings are temporarily over. Next week will be a big week for Louis when he gets on a plane again and travels to California to see family. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well Napped

He is so sweet when he wakes up from a good nap.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


There is a video of this to follow soon.  Notice anything odd about this photo? He's sitting up!

Spiced Up Brownies

I was really concerned when I read this brownie recipe that I made last night. Apparently when covered with plastic wrap they can last at room temperature for only 3 days. Whew! I really wasn't sure if they'd make it, before going bad. Right.