Saturday, February 11, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Louis: Been sick, but mostly better now. Has started counting things randomly. Holding a spoon he says, "one!" He sees that we have two guitars hanging on the wall and now he says, "two!" He's also getting really good at seeing a word and saying the letters out. He points to the name "Doodle" and says all the letters and then we try and sound it out real slowly. I know he's only 2 and can't be expected to read, but I swear he is gonna get it real early. He likes to play his Great-Grandpa McCarley's guitar and sing songs about bats and balls. He has started to add crescendos to his songs. He loves to bring it down to a whisper and build it back up..."bat bat  bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat batbatbatbat"

Jean: Still sick. Gross cough. Snotty nose. Can't really breathe through nose so it's hard for her to nurse, so she bites. I can't take it anymore. She gets more and more bottles these days. She is chatty-chatty and we went to a party with Louis' pre-school friends last night and she LOVED it. She was really excited about all the activity and the other little people. Still sorting out some sleep issues, but we are hoping that once she's no longer congested that things take a turn for the better. Likes sitting on her own. Everything has to be grabbed. Pulled. Put in mouth. We're at the "must always have something in hands" stage.