Saturday, December 17, 2011

Helping dad & Ben load firewood into the truck.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011


What a week!
We had a visit from Grandpa Bill (who Louis referred to as Papo). Very fun and I think Lou enjoyed having someone to bunk with in his room. Lot's of early morning playtime.

Jean has been a real handful this week. Monday and Tuesday night were truly awful. She was up ALL NIGHT, wanting to nurse, be held, be with us in bed. I started to suspect I might not be leaving enough milk for her during the day and have since increased the amount of milk she gets in her bottle. That seemed to help the situation a bit. Though she's still not sleeping as good as I think a baby of her age and weight should be.

Louis has 2 more preschool classes this semester and will be continuing that when it starts up again in January. He had another show & tell and took his baseball mitt for the second time.

I don't have any new pictures, will try and take a few soon!