Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fire Department Visit

Our carbon monoxide alarm went off last week but we replaced the batteries and it stopped. It went off again today so we called the fire dept. Turns out the unit is toast, but fortunately there's no carbon monoxide. Jean slept through the whole thing, from the hideous high pitch alarm to the fire truck arrival. Ironic since in about 6 hours she won't be able to sleep through the transition from my arms to her bed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


When Louis lifts up the glasses, he says "Boo!"
He also picks his nose & then grabs Jeans pacifier and tries to stick it in her mouth, we'll have to work on that...

Monday, August 15, 2011

I know I'm supposed to be treasuring this time, they grow so fast, only once in your life will they be this small, etc, etc. But i really am okay & ready for the wacky sleep & fussy phase to end.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Morning

Louis is so sweet with Jean. At the playground he will periodically check back in with her to give her a kiss. If we are leaving the house, he points to her to ask if she's coming too, and when she isn't in the car, he points to her seat. He gives her bedtime and good morning hugs & kisses and does a fabulous job at being gentle. Yesterday Jean tried to root on his cheek and he loved getting a "kiss" in return from her.