Friday, October 14, 2011

Village People

It's what comes to mind with Louis in jeans, no shirt, and a hardhat.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Brief Update

It's getting harder and harder to actually write anything with posts since usually at least one of the kids is awake and my phone is super slow.
So here's a few things we've got going on:
Louis had his 2 year old check-up with the doctor on Monday. He is 35" tall and weighs 30lbs. He's in the 75th percentile for one of those things. You'll have to ask Andy which one, but overall he's above average (and quite special if you ask us).
For Halloween Louis is going be...(surprise) a baseball player. Of course. Currently working on his costume but it shouldn't be hard to get him to carry his bat & glove around for awhile.
He's got some sort of bad cough that started with a fever and wheezing. We thought it might be croup since the Dr.'s office said that has been going around, but it seems to be loosening after many many steamy bathroom with eucalyptus oil stints, and vic's vapo rub. It's just hard to listen to him cough it sounds so awful.
I got a seat put on my bicycle for Louis and as soon as his helmet arrives, we will be heading out on some cycling adventures. (Don't worry we will start in Rock Creek Park where they close the road to cars on the weekends, so it will be just us and some joggers and cyclists.)

Jean is doing well. She likes to be pulled into a sitting position, and she REALLY likes being pulled into a standing position. Her legs are getting a workout and she tries to lift her head and sit up when she is lying on her back. She does not like being left alone or being ignored. Sorry baby, shoulda been born first. She is resisting naps and bedtime. Can take awhile for her to fall asleep because (see above, does not like being ignored or alone). I am much whimpier (is that a word?) at "sleep training" her than I was with Louis. Partially because I feel guilty, and also because I'm afraid she'll wake Louis up. Gonna have to happen soon. Dammit she just started crying right now, and I thought she'd finally gone to sleep.
Jean and I will be going on a trip to New York City to visit some friends a few weekends from now, it will be her first train ride. She should be a pro considering she's already done a cross-country flight.

Andy and I are doing well. My first day back at work is Monday, October 31st. Halloween!! I am going to work in costume as a sleep-deprived frazzled mom. I will miss my babies but honestly I can't wait to eat lunch ALONE in ONE sitting. Amen for Grandma & Mimi!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011