Saturday, May 15, 2010

Roly Poly

Here's Louis showing how he gets around. By rolling and desperate attempts to crawl that end in frustration. He much prefers for you to hold him up so he's standing.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Great invention

This little mesh feeder with a handle is ruling our life right now.  Louis can hold it himself and gum on frozen bananas and a few other fruit purees that have been frozen in ice cube trays. He loves it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

He's Recovered

No more scary carnival nightmares last night, he slept like a charm. This week he will get his first taste of peas, and as soon as he clears that we will try giving him some of the frozen mango slices I found at Trader Joe's. That should feel good on his gums. He's seen lots of his Mimi this week (Thank you!!) and I swear he grew a bunch overnight because he looks bigger to me all of a sudden. It's going to be very sad when he's not even 1 year old and his mom can no longer pick him up or carry him. My back is killing me.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Louis rode a carousel for the first time yesterday. Here he is waiting in line:

And here's what I saw as I watched him ride. He wasn't screaming and I couldn't see his face, so we just went with it. Besides, I was starting to feel a little sick so I had to get myself together.

Then I passed the camera off to Andy and he tried to get a video of what Louis' face looked like, since none of us could see it. When we got home and I watched this it kinda made me sad. He looks very apprehensive about the whole thing. Maybe he was feeling sick too. The video might make you all feel a little funny as well. I think we will wait a bit longer before riding the carousel again. I wonder what kind of terrible nightmares this could induce in a baby. Louis woke up 3 times last night. Very abnormal. Maybe he was cold, or teething, or having another growth spurt, but I am starting to suspect carnival nightmares.