Saturday, February 6, 2010

Louis has cabin fever!


My leg is on the right side of the first photo below. The snow comes up to my knee!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kitchen Update

We finally hung the 2 shelves. Still haven't finished painting the cabinets. You can see where we want to extend the countertop and add another base cabinet (to the left of the dishwasher). This will give us much more prep space for baking and cooking. I wish we had something temporary to go there now but instead we will stare at the floor and the spray foam.

BEFORE (previous owners decor taken with the advantage of a wide angle lens and the July sunlight we are severely lacking today):



That is Louis' new name. The drool cannot be contained. Here he is in true form spitting up.

Louis loves it when he is at our level. Andy set him on the edge of the counter last week and kneeled down in front of him so that Louis had to look down at Andy. Louis cracked up! He's not quite as animated here but I tried to capture his love of this game.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow again.

Front to Back.

Last night we saw Louis roll from his stomach onto his back!!! I looked over at Andy and said, "Did he just do that?" Andy confirmed. Yep. He did. And today I am waiting to see him do it again, so of course he probably won't. Here he is in the Bumbo seat this morning.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

More of the blanket

The only reason you can see Louis' face in this picture is because he heard me turn on the camera and had to pull the blanket down to look at it. Prior to that it was completely over his face and he didn't seem to mind. I swear he must have most of his nerve endings in his face because he wants to bury it in blankets. It's like he feels everything with his face. "Screw the hands, those are for chewing! Let's see if I can feel my way around the toy with my face."
And for naps, he truly pulls the blanket up over his face and then calms down and sleeps. Maybe when he is older we should get him one of those spa-like eye covers.