Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

8 weeks!

Tomorrow marks the 8th Friday that Jean has been in this world. We are *finally* establishing a bit of a routine, much to my relief. Prior to this week Jean would eat every 2 to 2.5 hours and wouldn't go to sleep until she cried herself out at about midnight. Well, I decided something had to give, so I tweaked her schedule, started feeding her only every 3 hours which gave her more time to sleep during the day, and immediately she has started going down for the night sometime between 7:30-8:45. Hooray!
She is a little congested right now and likely caught the bug that Louis & I had, but hopefully she will recover quickly. I think we will start to see more of her personality soon, but she loves the swing, likes the pig that jingles on her playmat, and is working hard to get her head stabilized when she is upright.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We are okay!!
I thought it was a big truck doing something in the alley, until I looked out, didn't see a truck, and thought to myself, "Oh shit this feels familiar..."
Grabbed Jean out of the swing, stood in a door frame, watched our fireplace andirons tip over and said to myself, "This is a 100 year old house with bricks in it, get out!!" I ran outside with Jean and it stopped. Whoa. Never thought I'd feel that again living here in D.C. Just really glad we weren't on the metro and hope there aren't too many injuries.
Earthquake in DC

Summer Baby

Backpack for Louis

Louis recently got his very own backpack so that he can carry his own stuff around. Too freakin' cute if you ask me. Mr. Panda is now going EVERYWHERE with us. Louis likes to check himself out in the mirror while wearing his backpack, and one night last week he grabbed a purse, walked over towards Jean and waved goodbye, and then climbed up on the radiator to try and open the front door. Haha, he is a boy on the move.