Saturday, March 8, 2014


We had a very eventful morning. I woke up to Andy yelling like never before, and went to find the kids in the bathroom standing on the stool. There was water everywhere and the toilet was overflowing. I plunged it and ran downstairs only to find our kitchen was being showered by the water seeping through the electrical cans. Holy SHIT. The video shows what it was like when it had slowed down. Obviously while it was really streaming there were more important things to do than video the scene. You can hear Andy wet-vacuuming the bathroom to prevent any more water from coming down.
It was so much that it actually even went from the kitchen floor into the basement ceiling and was dripping into the basement.
OH MY GOD. So, on the first 50+ degree day in what feels like FOREVER we are cleaning up water damage instead of enjoying the day.

Oh joy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Panda's Birthday

Louis informed us yesterday that, "it's Panda's birthday tomorrow". So today we made Panda a birthday cake and sung him "Happy Birthday" and blew out candles and opened presents. He turned 7.


Gotta get the energy out somehow.