Friday, November 20, 2009


Louis plays on the mat while I combine some of my favorite ingredients (chocolate, peanut butter, and oatmeal) into the most delicious way to NOT lose postpartum pudge.

No kidding.

Louis, you read my mind.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

8 weeks!

Today you have been in the world for 8 weeks! When we brought you home you would sleep all day and pee every time your penis touched the air. Now you are alert and looking around and you love to stare at your daddy. You like to look up at the birds that move around above your swing and you look like you are really trying to get a move on when we lie you on your back. You are SO close to holding your head up on your own and you push up all the time while on your tummy, what a strong little guy! You have slept through the night once already and we are hopeful for more of those, for now you sleep in the bouncy seat in our room (you can be quite the baby snorer/throat clearer). You don't mind your diaper being changed anymore and you like the bath. We saw you smile for real last week and it totally slayed us with love. Keep those coming! Right now we are working on getting you to take naps in your crib. Sometimes it works but at the moment not really (don't worry, I won't let you cry forever, but give falling asleep on your own a shot for now). You are a sweet little guy who loves to cuddle especially in the moby wrap, and the faces you make give you away everytime. We can see you thinking, "What the...?"
We love you so much and it seems like it's gone so fast, yet been forever at the same time.
xo, mom & dad

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A smile in a day of fuss

Lou has been a fuss today. Although for him that just means he won't be happy anywhere but the Moby. No play gym or swing today, just being held by me. I didn't get a smile until after 4pm, but it was pretty cute.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Real Smile.

Saturday morning Andy and Louis were playing and Louis gave Andy a smile that neither of us had ever seen before. This was not his "I just ate and I am in a milk coma" smile. This was him totally fixed on Andy, and responding. Check it out!!