Saturday, May 29, 2010

Destruction is fun.

I am quite positive this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to little ones and their appetite for destruction. Can't wait to see what he's capable of in a few months, let alone a year.

Oh shit.

The other day Andy said he was hearing some new strange banging sounds while Lou was napping in the morning. Now, I know our house is creaky, but the creaks are familiar and this particular sound was not. Andy went upstairs to discover Louis STANDING UP in his crib, banging the wall with his rattle. Hahaha.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stage 2 Food

Just finished making the next round of food for Louis. We are moving into an experiment with texture and seasoning; Rosemary & Oregano Turnips, and two kinds of carrots, Sage & Dill Carrots, and Cinnamon Nutmeg Carrots. This kid eats better than I do, I won't embarrass myself by disclosing how many times I ate cereal for dinner this week.

We had lunch in the park today. Guess what Louis wanted to do the whole time...?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Carrots and Grass

We ate outside but I guess Louis was still hungry.

Monday, May 24, 2010

We have a ways to go.

I wrote a note to remind us the time is NOW to babyproof. Looks hilarious next to the razor blade sitting on the counter.


At some point in the 90 year lifespan of our house a person put vinyl siding over a window. That's right, somebody deliberately covered up what is a true commodity in a D.C house. Crazy. So over the past few days my dad and Andy opened it back up. We haven't had much sun, but it still looks great and let's in a bunch more light.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not Chicken Pox

It's quinoa, the South American super grain that contains a ton of protein and iron.