Saturday, January 8, 2011

Louis & Daddy's Adventure

This morning I dropped Andy & Louis off at BWI Airport where they departed to Indianapolis to visit with Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Gale. This is Lou's first time meeting his Great Grandparents on the Gale side, and it's also Andy's first time flying alone with Louis. It started snowing this morning & they looked so cute all bundled up in their snow hats & coats together. I think they will have a lot of fun, and I hope their travels go well.
Louis has been climbing on everything, he can get himself into his high chair all by himself. He loves to look out the window and wave "bye bye" whenever anyone leaves, and he's become quite the smoocher. He is teething and has a lot of excess saliva which really adds to the experience. I like to pretend theres some sort of compound in saliva that tones and moisturizes the skin, so when I get completely slimed it's really like getting a free facial.
I will post some pictures I took of him last night. For anyone wondering what I will be doing while the boys are gone, the answer is NOT A DAMN THING and I plan on enjoying every minute of it. From what I recall there are these things called books, and they are supposedly really great.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011