Saturday, March 20, 2010


The painters finished on Friday around 3pm. We love it and can't wait to start putting everything back into its place. It feels like an entirely new house and even Andy (who everyone knows was very against the white trim idea) thinks it looks great.

Lou's First Solid

This morning we fed Louis rice cereal for the first time.

Friday, March 19, 2010


We went to a huge antiques place in Virginia today. Took these there and got a fan for $12.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tough Face

I was trying to capture the face Lou was making while he sat in the stroller on the way home. It was his tough face.  Didn't quite capture the look,  but these will suffice.

Video of Exersaucer fun.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mimi's house

This morning we took Louis to see Mr. Skip at a coffeehouse. He is a children's musician who wears Hawaiian shirts and sings Beatles songs in addition to the usual " You are my sunshine" fare. Then we went to mimi's to stay out of our house while they work.

The day has come.

Today the painters come and begin the process of painting our living room and dining room! I am so incredibly excited to get this over with. I will post before and after pictures once everything is done.

This is happening right now!

I really cannot contain my excitement that by the end of the week painting in the living room and dining room will be OVER.