Thursday, January 26, 2012


Louis is sick. Started with a cough. Turned into some vomiting and diarrhea today. He seems in okay spirits so we're hoping we've seen the worst. This morning was pretty intense. Vomit all over the couch as well as Andy. Jean wasn't happy either, but she just wanted to be held (surprise).
Jean had her 6 month check up today (although she's closer to 7 months, we're just running a bit behind with the appointments). She's 21lbs. 27" long. They were impressed that she can sit up on her own. She's wobbly but she can do it. Pretty cool.
Louis is talking more and more every day. Knows almost all his letters.
They are really starting to have fun when they take baths together with the kicking and splashing. They crack each other up. Will try and get video soon.
Andy & I are exhausted but well. I guess that's to be expected.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012