Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Slide

We did this OVER & OVER & OVER this morning.

Louis is getting some new teeth (upper back molars) and based on his mood, I'd say they really hurt when they're moving and growing in. He understands EVERYTHING but still no words. Although I am pretty convinced one of his first words might be, "Shit", because we just can't seem to wipe that one from our vocabulary. It flies out of the mouth at warp speed. Sorry Louis. In the future if you come home with a note from the teacher for a potty mouth, it's probably our fault.

His little sibling is moving around a lot too, flipping all around. Last night was the first time I could see it from the outside instead of just feeling the movement on the inside. Pretty soon I'll have elbow and foot outlines on my abdomen.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011