Wednesday, June 22, 2011


OH MY GOD. ENOUGH. Come on Cholula, you are trying my patience. The longer you stay in, the more likely it is that the name Cholula sticks and you wouldn't want that now, would you? That's right, I've resorted to threats. Even the best of us deteriorate to that strategy when desperate. Get out now, your time is UP. Please. Please. Pleeeeease.  
I am so sick of strangers smiling at me on the street when they see me waddle. I do not want your pity smile! Yes you are walking past me like I'm a car in the slow lane on the freeway going 45 with their hazards on and you are a peppy hybrid sedan that hits 80mph without hesitation. I am slow. 
No I am not a cute/sad/tired pregnant lady, I am pissed and ready to be done and you should fear me and avert your eyes! Do NOT tell me I look like I am going to pop. Do not try and guess the gender of my child because of the shape of my belly. If you want to do something kind tell me where the nearest bathroom is and if you can't do that you should just keep it moving and keep your mouth shut.

Whew, sorry. I had to get that out. See what you are doing to me Cholula? I beg of you....perhaps tonight?