Saturday, October 2, 2010


Dear universe,
Thank you for this one day of sun on our vacation. It couldn't have come at a better time, since Louis was up for 2 hours last night from midnight to 2am, and it was very strange and exhausting.

A moment of peace on the deck during his morning nap.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bored momma

Means more blog photos.

He climbed into this rocking chair all by himself. Uh oh.

More Wind

Some key findings we've had while here:
Louis was introduced to a fly swatter and laughed his head off when he watched Andy kill a fly. Time to invest in one when we return home.
A new found respect for our changing table. Louis is impossible to change or dress without it.
There's really only about two days worth of rainy day kid friendly activities here on the outerbanks. Clearly you are supposed to be outdoors and at the beach and that's it, which would be fine if only the weather would cooperate.
And last but not least, Lou loves sunglasses and sure knows how to strike a pose.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pea Island Wildlife Refuge

The weather has been fairly uncooperative for lounging on the beach, but we went to Pea Island Refuge and as you can see it was a little windy. Sand was blowing everywhere and boy does that hurt, ouch! The water was very warm, but looked really dangerous so we only put our feet in.
Tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to be nice. We've got our fingers crossed.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010


The ocean waves were a bit rough today, so the swimming had to be done in the pool.

North Carolina, Hatteras Island

Airing out the diaper butt.