Monday, June 6, 2011

Dear Cholula Chorizo McCarley Gale:

There comes a time in every child's life where they must leave the nest and become an independent human being. My dear baby girl, I emplore you to begin your journey of independence by getting the hell out of my uterus. It's a teeny tiny baby step, and there's no reason for you to be scared. I'm not even asking you to leave the nest, as a matter of fact I just want you to JOIN the nest. There's a lot more room in our house than in my belly. Your older brother is as sweet as you could possibly ask for, don't let his screams deter you, they are screams of joy. (Pinky swear). We promise to give you a real name that isn't reflective of Mexican food, and I can personally vouch for the fabulousness of your parents and extended family. I just want to reassure you that we are in fact ready for your arrival, you are technically full term, and if you could just go ahead and find the safest and most efficient way out of my body that would be awesome.

Louis & Dad

Setting up drums before Andys band played on Sunday. Lou wouldn't wear his ear protection so we quickly ended up outside.