Monday, October 6, 2008

The Adventure Begins...

We inherited an alarm system that was installed with the house. Since the service account was turned off, we were just left with a blinking keypad. There was a "On/Off" button. Andy pushed it. Then the alarm went off. This thing was louder than god. After scrambling around and finally cutting the wire to the ceiling sensor upstairs, we thought it was off. Then it started again. Where the hell was it coming from? The keypad itself. We pulled the power cord out of the wall. The alarm was still going off. HOW CAN AN ALARM STILL GO OFF IF IT'S UNPLUGGED?! And why, why, why is it so loud? Oh yeah. To drive off burglers. Then the folks on the phone from Sloman's say that there must be some sort of power box hidden in the basement. Finally found it, and Andy dismantled it. No more alarm. For now. I still am scared it's going to start beeping again. If I hear that noise again I am afraid one of us will just take a hammer to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, that's one way to get the neighbor's attention!
Years ago, when Bill was out of town, I got awakened about 2am when the smoke alarm in our bedroom went off. Down to the garage, found a ladder, back up the stairs and finally managed to rip the cover off and figured out how to get the battery out. IT WAS STILL SHRIEKING! Took me forever to find a way to shut it up.
A hammer was not involved.
Love, Mom-Carol