Saturday, July 18, 2009

Windows & Squirrels

We got new windows installed Thursday in the bedrooms upstairs. They look great. Pictures don't really do them justice, but I swear it's cooler up there already. The same day we received the shades my mom made for the baby's room. We have not hung them yet, but here's a sneak preview. In other news, our tomatoes started to turn red and ripen. We thought we'd leave them on the vine for the day and pick the one that looked closest to done when we got home from running errands. Well, of course the squirrels must have been thinking the same thing because those little assholes ate part of it! And I found a half eaten green tomato in a plant in our front yard (guess they took it on a picnic). So now we know the score. Squirrels 2, Humans 0. It is war.

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