Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Andy is my babydaddy hero

Not only has Andy been home with me since I went into labor, he doesn't go back to work until next week. He has done a billion loads of laundry, bathed Louis, changed his diaper WAY more than me, prepared all our meals, ran errands, and retrieved all the stuff I needed from downstairs while I was stuck in bed recovering. I could not ask for a more awesome partner. Here's a photo of a dinner he made us with Swiss Chard from our garden, the most delicious farmers market sweet potatoes, and some meatless meatballs from Trader Joe's. (Even meat eaters like them!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post!I always thought Andy was a great guy - now there's no doubt. You guys are a great team, keep it up. I'm looking forward to the next visit when i can see Louis in person. Maybe sometime in November or December whenever it works for you. Love,Dad